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OptimTex multilingual glossary of terms

This Glossary is meant to offer the students support for learning key textile terms of the 6 educational modules in all the languages of the project.
LANGUAGETERMniveluri de variatie
DEFINITIONReprezinta numarul de niveluri diferite ale unui parametru de intrare. Majoritatea planurilor experimentale (factoriale) se refera la 2 (-1, +1) sau 3 (-1, 0, +1) niveluri de variatie. Cu toate acestea, experimentul central compus are de obicei 5 niveluri de variatie (-?2, -1, 0, +1, +?2). Planurile de proiectare experimentala mai complexe pot avea chiar mai multe niveluri de variatie, in timp ce de ex. planurile factoriale fractionate reduc numarul de rulari experimentale necesare in functie de anumite reguli.
PICTURE (optional)

"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission"
This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
@INCDTP - Bucharest 2021